Monday, August 22, 2011

On Exhibit

Our first floor video exhibit has featured "Star Spangled Summer at Pace" which highlights some of the history of the Statue of Liberty and its use as a political, patriotic, and iconic symbol of America.   We put this together to call attention to the Emma Lazarus exhibit that we had on loan, but which ended August 19.   But by the solar calendar, it is still summer....and we have lots of new library users who have not seen this, so we'll keep it up for a few more weeks.  Enjoy!

The New and Improved Department!

Welcome!   This blog will cover the University Archives and West Florida History Center (formerly known as Special Collections) at the John C. Pace Library, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL.

I hope here to provide news about our collections, share anecdotes, and even share answers to questions.   Please feel free to contact me or Josh Broxson, Assistant Archivist, at the UAWFHC.
